Celebrate Recovery

What is Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery, or CR, is a Christ-centered recovery program for any hurts, habits, or hang-ups you may be facing. Whether you suffer from addiction, grief, loss, abuse, mental health issues, anger, loneliness, or something else entirely—there’s a group of people who want to listen and support you with the help of our Savior.

Join Us

Weekly Meetings Fridays at 7pm
New Life Downtown, 214 1st Ave SE

celebrate recovery new life logo

Wondering if CR is for you?

Even if you’re not sure CR is the group for you, you’re always welcome to attend one of our meetings! Childcare is available at every meeting, along with coffee and snacks.

What our gatherings look like

Each time we meet we start with a time of worship where we surrender the crisis of the day to the Lord in prayer, sing a few songs, and listen to a lesson or testimony from one of our speakers.

After worship, we set aside time for you to unload your burdens with a small, confidential group. In CR, groups are separated by gender and topic.

This is where the true support system found in each other and Jesus begins to take place.

There’s no pressure to attend every part of a CR meeting. We believe that this is the best way to participate in a Life Group that will be there for you when times are troubled.

CR Core Leaders

Men’s Mixed Issues | Mark, 605-229-2848
Men’s Addiction | Mark, 605-229-2848
Women’s Mixed Issues | Shandalyn, 605-228-8947
Women’s Addiction | Linda, 605-377-7772

celebrate recovery leaders


Reach out to our core leaders or email us at